
GCSEs: We need a better plan for English and maths

Colleges need more support to help young people pass their GCSE in English and maths, writes Impetus policy and research manager Ben Gadsby.
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How to square widening participation with student number caps

University policy challenge whack-a-mole: People want a temporary set of student number caps to ensure the university sector survives the loss of international student income. What are the next set of moles that will appear if we take this option?
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Schools have a new purpose. Here’s how we could fulfil it.

Schools are being asked to take a lead as a front-line service for their communities. Ben Gadsby sets out some big ideas to make that happen
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The #Coronavirus kids – Youth Employment in the #StayHome age

Sam Windett: Regardless of how the pandemic plays out, there are three key areas we should build on for young people and employment.
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Resurgo's Jo Rice: Data and the haunting questions that keep a good charity CEO up at night

Thanks to Impetus' Youth Job Gap series, Resurgo have been able to benchmark the performance of their Spear programme, supporting NEET young people into sustained employment, with a base case of what might have happened without their work.
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London Councils: Fixing the skills and employment system for young Londoners

London Councils’ and Impetus’ report, The Employment Gap in London, delves into data on school performance and the transition into further study or employment for thousands of young Londoners, giving the clearest picture yet of the strengths and weaknesses in the system and the complexity and different outcomes between local areas. The urgent issues raised in the The Employment Gap in London have prompted London Councils to make five recommendations for improving London’s skills and employment system.
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